
Islamabad and Rawalpindi are the major cities where the greater number of Afghan refugees are living, mainly living with the host community in urban and semi-urban setups. About 0.67 million registered Afghan refugees reside in different parts of twin cities (Source UNHCR). The flow of new arrival is also scaring the situation and it is further burdening the existing refugees. In this situation, Urban Cohesion Hub is the only hope to refugees which is providing multiple need base protection services to reduce the vulnerability and make them socio-economically uplift by providing refugee girls and women skills development classes and imparting them essential English and computer literacy skills to empower them to get suitable private jobs as well as start self-employment.

Project overview

The overall aim of the intervention is to support and strengthen the resilience of refugees, asylum seekers, and to an extent, also the host community. The efforts aim in minimizing protection risk and empowering a socially improved peaceful environment for the beneficiaries of persons of concern. The Urban Cohesion Hub aims to maintain a ratio of 70% afghan Refugees and 30% host community members in all of its activities.

Urban Cohesion Hub (UCH)

The UCH has been providing need-based multi-services under one roof to both communities in the fields of protection & legal assistance, health & psycho-social, education & learning, livelihood & enterprise development, community & youth engagement, cultural portfolio, and joyful activities for kids, etc.

Geographical Coverage

Primarily the UCH aims to facilitate refugee communities within Islamabad and Rawalpindi


  • PoCs (of all age, gender, and diversity groups) who have enhanced participation in program design, implementation, and evaluation ensuring full engagement of female population, children, and vulnerable groups at a decision-making level
  • Children of concern are protected from violence, abuse, exploitation, and discrimination and have access to friendly procedures and services
  • PoCs who have increased access to livelihood opportunities strengthened self-reliant

UCH Services

  • Child Friendly and joyful Space at UCH:

Within the Urban Cohesion Hub-UCH child friendly space is established . The place is conducive with enough space for joyful learning environment. In this regard, street working children are specially encouraged to attend joyful learning space, where they re provided safe recreational and learning facilities The joyful learning space also accommodates out of school children from the vicinity from both refugee and host communities, along with the children of beneficiaries attending the educational/livelihood etc departments of the UCH. Targeted children attend sessions on Early Childhood Development (ECD) and Life Skills sessions at UCH. The topics include hand washing, healthy habits, hygiene, nutrition, child protection, story reading, arts, poems, outdoor play and basic reading writing and mathematical sessions.

  • Resource Center:

The reading and learning resource center (library) in Urban Cohesion Hub-UCH is open all day long for all the general population. The resource center comprises of books on different topics in Urdu, English, Pushto and Persian languages.

  • Computer Classes:

Today computer knowledge is a must for everyone without any exemption. Learning computer courses for most of the target population is out of reach. They are unable to study by paying heavy fees in institutions or computer centers. Urban Cohesion Hub is providing computer courses with highly trained teachers and course materials. Learning computer provide knowledge and confidence to target group to pursue further their studies and find a good job.

  • English Language Classes:

English is one of the dominating languages of the world, used in every field of work and making it necessary for people to know it. Working knowledge of the English language can create many opportunities in national and international markets for host and refugee population. Keeping that in  perspective the Urban cohesion Hub’s is providing opportunity to both Afghan refugees and host community members to enroll in English Language course in order to equip them with meaningful skills to earn their livelihood and excel in their selected careers.

  • Health Support:

The health department at UCH is headed by a female doctor. Thehealth department at UCH Provide support to beneficiaries through OPD, awareness session within the communities, medical referrals to government health facilities, identification and assesseement of Persons with Special needs for rehabilitation services/assistive devices , mostly women and children. This health department is also the focal point for chronic medical cases already identified by UNHCR who are in-need of case management and participate in case management processes as relevant.

  • Psychosocial Support to Men, Women, PWD and Working Children:

This mainly include counseling sessions on protection cases for refugee and host men, women, PWD/PSN, elders and working children of Rawalpindi/Islamabad. Themental health department at UCH conducts varied activities, inclusing mental health awareness sessions in communities and schools, Individual sessions, and referrals to rehabilitation centres.

  • Skill Development and Tool Kits:

The UCH provides in-house 3 months skills development trainings in different marketable trades (i.e. tailoring & fashion designing, beautician, and culinary arts etc.), upon completion of the training tool kits to the trainees.

  • Digital Photography and Corel Draw Training:

Along with the in-house livelihood trainings, the Urban Cohesion Hub will also offers a diploma course in the digital photography and Corel draw training. The course in intended to equip the trainees from both refugee an host communities to materialize their skills and earn livelihood.

  • Music Classes:

Music department at UCH is undertaken at UCH to promote atrs and culture along with providing the youth and opportunity to explore their artistic side and possibly excel in the the performing arts industry. Music course provides a chance to youth having interest and preliminary experiences in singing and music to improve their skills and understanding of the different music instruments and trend.

  • Professional Development Course:

The importance of a professional CV and a compelling cover letter is undeniable in today’s job market. This course aims to teach beneficiaries the art of crafting these documents. The motivation behind this course is to help beneficiaries achieve independence in this, the most important aspect of their professional lives. The aim is to make the beneficiaries skillful enough so they can draft their own CVs and cover letters without being dependent on online templates.

  • Legal Services

Legal advice services are provided to both local and refugee population. The advice through an expert lawyer is ensured on different aspects including but not limited to protection aspects, registration (both PoR, UNHCR card, Asylum Seeker certificate and CNIC) processes, legal cases, repatriation and GBV among others.

Apart from the above the legal department at UCH also conducts regular awareness sessions on Genderbased violence, Protection, Domenstic Voilence etc.

  • Empowerment through sports Activities:

 UCH – Inspire Pakistan aims to create a difference by breaking social barriers and promoting community cohesion by making sports an integral part of the social life of youth in Islamabad and Rawalpindi. The Project will facilitate youth development in ICT/Rawalpindi by working through schools, local sports clubs and other stakeholders to engage both in-school and out of school youth in activities that promote intergroup understanding and interaction. Recreational activities (sports) always remain culturally acceptable, building strong linkages and confidence between host and refugee communities especially youth and children. Both communities’ welcome sports activities, where youth is engaged in a healthy and productive environment. 4 Sports activities/events will be conducted by the project.

Methodology for the application of sports activities may include:


  • Involvement of communities and citizens for participation
  • Alliance with schools to conduct sport competition amongst school and street children


  • Community Initiative Fund (CIF):

This fund offers financial support to small-scale projects to develop the capacity of small community-based initiatives that reach out to the most vulnerable. This support covers but not limited to street pavement, construction/rehab of community hall, rehab of sport grounds, WASH interventions at community and public facilities, Community Based Organizations (CBOs) institutional strengthening among others. 5 small community-based initiatives will be identified and supported under the activity druing the year 2022


  • Commemoration of International days:

In order to raise awareness among the targeted refugee and hosting population, UCH commemorates international days particularly International Women’s Day, refugee day and child labor day etc. Members from both the communities are involved in these events with a purpose to provide them with the opportunity to get together and know about different issues related to refugees and child labor.